Hello i'm introducing this guide to you guys, it is good for starters, for you to get a good clear picture on how to build a VIT Spear knight :) I hope you like the guide!
Starting status
Str9 Vit9 Agi9
Start with Str10 Then Vit 20 Then Dex 20 and goes all the way to Vit 60
After That, try to get it around this
Str 70
Vit 60
Dex 40
Int needs only when you have Pierce & Brandish at level10. When you have both skills at level10, you can increase your int likes 12 first then 18 later on.Make your own decision on how much you should put and when to put it.
@ Level 84 @
You suppost to be at job 50 already, so your status should be around:
Str 82 + 8
Vit 60 + 10
Dex 44 + 6
Int 18
After this level you will have two possible way to go
First Choice @ level 91.
This is in case that you can't afford to buy a full set of +10str for your knight yet and need a bit more time to collect the money.
Str 82 + 8
Agi 19 + 2
Vit 70 + 10
Dex 54 + 6
Int 18
Then the first status to increse is Int. make it to 24 @ level 92. After that, Keep going with str and try to collect your money as much as you can. Try not to spend any money out at all in order to be ready to buy a +10 str set as fast as you can.
Agi is also important and it's something that you have to make your own decision on it. If you think that you will get enough money soon, then you don't have to increase your agi yet. But if it likes a long long way before you can get enough money, then you better increse it up coz it'll help you to pierce faster and kill monster faster.
At level 97 you will have this status ready for you.
Str 92 + 8
Agi 19 + 2
Vit 70 + 10
Dex 54 + 6
Int 24
Hope that by this time, you would be able to buy a full set of +10 str already. However, in case that you don't think you can efford to buy two mantis rings for sure, then you might need to go for 94 str instead of 92 or you might want to increse it to 96 to make sure that you can have str 110 at all time. By doing so, it means you have to reduce your final agi down a lot as well.
So, your final status for str 96 +14 will be like this
Str 96 + 8 + 6 = 110
Agi 19 + 2
Vit 70 + 10
Dex 54 + 6
Int 26
Not a good status coz it means if you want to use something else rather than mantis clips or mantis Rosary, your str that more than 92+8 is going to be useless.

Anyway, I hope that you can make your way to the full set of +10 str. It's not that hard if you have a good management on your payment. Good luck on finding zeny.

Second Choice @ Level 92.
This is the case that you can afford to buy a full set of +10 str equipment for your knight. Then you can make str 110 at this level already. This will help you to level up a lot faster than the first choice.
So, if you want to take this choice, collect your money before you reach level 93.
Str 92 + 8
Agi 14 + 2
Vit 70 + 10
Dex 44 + 6
Int 18
Then increae you dex up to 54 first before concentrate on the other status. Then you can increase your Int to 24. So, you will be at level 96 when having a total dex of 60 and total int of 24.
So, your build is almost perfect already at level 96.

After this point, it's time to increase your Agi and Int. Try to get int to 26 first then go all the way until you have agi of 30 which will be at level 99.
Three point left over, put it to luck and then you done with your build perfectly.
As can be seen above, the patch way to level 99 for the second choice is a lot better. That means you need to collect lots of money before you reach level 92 in order to make you knight's life goes smoothly.
What is the point to have INT for a spear knight???
About the int status, some of you might said that it a bit too much but imagine that while you level up you can pierce & Brandish all the monster that you have seen. how fast you can be leveled up????
yep without int, blue pot can help but how many of u will use it while level up
@lv 98, you will have all the status above except int, it will be 20 which is of course, it will turn to 30 with blessing.
int 20 your sp recovery will be at 7 /8sec (Pierce uses sp = 7/used)
int 30 your sp recovery will be at 9 /8sec
int 26 your sp recovery will be at 8 /8sec
int 36 your sp recovery will be at 11 / 8sec
So you cand Pierce every monster that you've found and you don't have to worry about your sp at all while you have to fight with MVP monster
Also in WOE, you can use spear bommerang & Provoke as many times as you want which will make you real dam useful beside than destroy the trap
Skills: First Choice
@ Swordman @
hp 10
1 h 10
2 ha 1
Provoke 10
Bash 10
Endure 8
Don't wasting your point for magnum break. This skill is very poor comparing with Brandish Spear that you will have later on.
In case that you want something to flight againt mob. Using Magmum Clip instead, it gives you lv 3 Magnum Break which is good enough already to kill some mob monster at that level. such as sandman.
@ Knight @
Peco + Cavalier Mastery 6
Spear Mas 10
Pierce 10
Spear Stab 3
Brandish Spear 10
Spear Boomerang 5
Conter Attack 3
Then add the other 2 skill point into Endure to make it 10
Counter Attack is no longer a good skill after it has been changed. However, I think having this skill in my skill line is not a waste coz in some situation you can used this skill to protect youself and attack back a bit.
Skills : Second choice mainly for WOE[size=2]@ Swordman @
hp 10
1 h 1
2 ha 10
Provoke 10
Bash 10
Magnum Break 1 - to use with a status sword during WOE
Endure 7
Total 49@Job 50
@ Knight @
Peco + Cavalier Mastery 6
Spear Mas 10
Pierce 10
Spear Stab 3
Brandish Spear 10
Spear Boomerang 5
Two hand Quicken 2
Then you will have 3 more skill points to go which can be
- Counter Attack lv3
- Two hand Quicken from lv2 upto lv5
- Endure from lv7 upto lv10
The main reason to have a high dex in this build are as follow:
1. To reduce the range of min atk and max atk, because when you're using pike you will have a high range between min and max. To have a high dex means that that range will be a lot closer and will result in high attack in over all flight. Especially when you're using trident instead of pike, the different between min and max attack will be very large in case that you have such a low dex.
When you party with priest, you can do the double attack by the help of lex aeterna from priest. That means that the less gap you have between min and max attack, the more attack you will get from combine this skill with your pierce.
Moreover, in case that you have sage to put an element into your weapon and if those gap is high, the min and max attack will be a lot different something the different can be more than 500+ which consider to be a huge different.
So, high dex means less gap between min and max attack that will result in a stable attack that you could get. That means your average attack is better as well.
2. To reduce the delay of Pierce. Pierce is a skill and dex will help you a lot to reduce the delay of using skills. That means you can pierce faster although your aspd is not really high.
Don't confuse between the speed of attack and the delay from using skills.
Speed of attack depends mainly on ASPD.
Delay of using skills depends on dex.
3. To have more hit rate. This is not actually the main point of having a high dex. However, it can help you a lot in flighting the other way beside than using only pierce. Such as you can use a spear boomarang to hurt them when you want to run away for some reason such as your priest die or something. Thats means while you are running around you can still hurt them from a long range.
Also, in pvp you can use a spear boomarang to kill those agi charactors very easy.
I think you missunderstood about a bonus hit rate from pierce. It gives you a 50% of your hit rate, not just a normal 50 hit rate. Also, there is no 100% hit rate in this game. The maximum that you could get is only 95%.
However, you can't flight againt a stromyknight with only you and your priest. This MvP is the one that knight can't do anything beside than tank for your party. His flee is too high and if you using a 4 mummy card in your pike your damage is not going to do anything to him. just like a punch from a 2 years old baby. So, leave this mvp alone and let the others kill him.
With Garm, my first build can solo hit by using a gungnir that give you a hit bonus of 30. so, no need for a mummy card at all. I can even using a spear boomerang to hurt him as well while try to run around and get those Sasqutchs away from boss. Then when you can get those mob away from boss, you can come back to him and use a combination of Pierce and Spear boomerang to kill him easily.
With mistress, I don't think it's a good idea to kill this mvp coz this one is a small size so pierce can do only one hit.
With some monster such as Pheeroni, you can not just stand in front of him and pierce pierce pierce coz this mvp has a skill to steal your sp as well. So, that means if you stand in front of him your sp will drain out very fast coz he can drink it hahaha. So, the best way is to use a spear boomerang combination with pierce then when he start to use that skill you just need to run away and hurt him with spear boomerang instead.
Hight hit rate can help you to have more possible way to kill monster and mvps coz you can't only pierce pierce pierce, you need to use a lots of skill as well depend on the situation and monster that you're flighting with.
4. To increase the attack. By having a high dex, you will have a high amount of bonus attack from dex as well. Although it's not that high but it's still help to increase the damage a lot when you combine it together with the cards and skills. High Str and Dex means that your attack power is going to be very high than the other knight can do and also a lot more stable.
Don't forget that it's not only your party who is hunting for mvp. Sometimes the others are looking for it as well. That means in order to become to be a mvp, you need to be able to attack as high as possible and beside than str, only dex can help your for this. Yep the bonus from luck can do it also but what the point to have a luk in a vit spear build.
In conclusion, having a high dex is not only for the hit rate, it also has the other advantage to your build as well. Especially, in case that you are looking for the maximum damage that you can get from each attack like in this build. Hunting for MVPs means that you have to do the most attack to the MVPs than the other can do. As a result, High Str and Dex is the must.
With the MVPs that you can't hit him without a mummy card, don't go to flight them coz your attack is not strong enough to kill him and you will become to be a tanker for others and might end up with nothing.
This build is aiming to hunt for MVPs but it's not possible to flight with all the mvps out there. You have to know your weak point and accept that. The mvp such as a stromy knight is the one that knight can't kill. With my own experience, Bar4 is easier than stromy knight. I mean to hunt only by you and priest.
Hope this will give you a clear idea about why I having such a high dex in this build.
Bonus point...
STR - you'll have a special bonus for str at every 10s
The bonus can be cauculate from this equation
Bonus Str = (Str/10)^2
Such as
Str 80 = (80/10)^2 = 60
Total ATK = 80 + 60 = 140
Str 110 = (110/10)^2 =121
Total ATK = 110 + 121 = 231
So, that's why Str 110 is the main target for a spear knight.
AGI - as I know, it hasn't got any bonus point for the agi
The best Vit bonus is when Vit = 100 which means you'll not be affected by any status such as stun.
However, if you can not make your way to 100, Then keep it for every 20. There is the bonus of special def vit bonus to add your status to reduce the damage for you.
I can't remember the formular but if i've found it, I''ll post it later on.
But for vit, the bonus is not really important comparing with the others such as Str and Dex. So, if you can't make it to the bonus, that's ok but you can pls do it so.
For every 5 points, you'll have a one point bonus atk for a close atk distance.
For every 10 Points, you'll have a one point bonus atk for a long atk distance. Such as spear boomarang.
For every 5 points, you have a max matk
For every 6 Points, you have a sp recovery bonus
For every 7 points, you have a min matk
For Knight, the sp recovery bonus is what you are looking for.
For PvP & WoE
Human is a meduim size so mixing skel worker with the hydra card will do a little bit more damage than using 4 hydra cards.
Against Vit or Mixed based Characters
+10Pike 2 Hydra 2 Skel Worker can do the maximum damage. Once again, I'm talking about maximum damage here coz this is the best weapon in PVP.
against Agi based characters
+10Pike 2 Hydra 2 Mummy if you have dex less than the total of 70
+10Pike 2 Hydra 1 Mummy 1 Skel Worker if you have dex 70+
With Dex of 70 in total, you can kill most of the agi character by using +10Pike 2 Mummy 2 Hydra. This will increase the damage drastically.
I agree that with dex of 50 & +10 Pike 4 Mummy, you can kill some of them with that low attack pike as well.
But the more dex you have, the less mummy card you would need in your pike. More hydra card in the pike will increase the damage to those agi characters drastically.
That is the main point of having a high dex. ( try to use as less mummy card in your pike as possible.)
Also, at every 10 dex you will have bonus for the long distance attack same as what hunter's got. That means the more dex you have, the more attack you will get with spear boomarang.
How to mix the card inside your weapon???
1. If the card is in the same type such as race card then just multiply the % of the card with the total atk.
2. If your have two sets of the card inside your weapon, you have to firstly multiply the first set. Then after you've got the result from the first one multiply it with % of the other set.
3. The atk from the card is going directly to the total attack before you multiple it with the card.
Let do the real calculation to solve this thing out!!!
Damage = ( Str + Bonus Str + Bonus Dex + Atk weapon + Atk from upgranding + Atk from Spear Mas + Atk from Card) x (% from Card)
For Str = 110, Dex = 70
1. Using +10Pike 4 Hydra
Damage = (110 + 121 + 14 + 60 + 10 + 50 + 0) x 1.8 = 657
2. Using +10Pike 2Hydra 2Skel Worker
Damage = (110 + 121 + 14 + 60 + 10 + 50 + 10) x 1.4 = 525
= 525 x 1.3
= 682.5
3. Using +10Pike 3Hydra 1Skel Worker
Damage = (110 + 121 + 14 + 60 + 10 + 50 + 5) x 1.6 = 592
= 592 x 1.15
= 680.8 [/size]
In case that your target is Highorc
with the same status as above
1. Using +10Pike 4 Hydra
Damage = (110 + 121 + 14 + 60 + 10 + 50 + 0) x 1.8 = 657
2. Using +10Pike 2Hydra 2Vadon
Damage = (110 + 121 + 14 + 60 + 10 + 50) x 1.4 = 497
= 497 x 1.4
= 695.8
2. Using +10Pike 2Hydra 1Vadon 1Minorous
Damage = (110 + 121 + 14 + 60 + 10 + 50 + 5) x 1.4 = 504
= 504 x 1.2 = 604.8
= 604.8 x 1.15
= 695.52[/size]
How strong that a Brandish Spear can be??? Is it really 300% or more???
- The damage that brandish spear can do will be vary depend on the distance between you and monsters.
- the closer the monster to you, the more damage you will get. For example,
Lets Y = Your build
Then M = Monster
This is the roughly rusult that I've been testing for a while.
YM = 550%
YxM = 530
YxxM = 450%
YxxxM = 300%
- The different in the maximum attack will be depen on dex. The more dex you've got, the closer range of the gap between min atk and max atk can be.
- At 4 blocks between monsters and you, the damage of brandish spear will be reduce to 300%. This is something that you can see from the books. 300% is at 4 Blocks distance.
Which Skill is better between Brandish spear and Bowling Bash
- Brandish spear can do the maximum damage of 550% while Bowling bash can actually do the maximum damage of only 500% not 600% anymore. You can try !!!
- Brandish spear can kill all the monsters that stand in front of you, no matter that they are over your head or hiding underground.
- Brandish spear can cause a lot more damage than bolwing bash at the same sp.
- Brandish spear is using sp only 8 while bowling bash is using 22.
- Brandish spear is a lot easier to use compare with blowing bash that you have to rearrange the monster and turn you face againt them before it can be used perfectly while breandish spear are not required you to turn you face to the monster, after you use the skill your character will automatically turn back and do all the work for you.
- Nowsaday in Thailand, nobody has build a pure sword knight anymore, the combination of two hand quicken & Spear SKills is the most preferable build for an agi knight.
How can I prove that what I said above is true ????
Ok, lets prove it. Here we go!!!
As you guys know that, Pierce can do the damage of 200% per hit at level 10. I Pierced Owl Duke, which is a large size monster, so I can Pierce it for 3 hits. As a result, the total damage of this pierce is going to be at 600% from a normal attack.
The total damage that I had from pierce was at 2715.
Then with a brandish spear, I can do the damage of 2427.
Therefore, the damage of brandish is definately not only 300% but suppost to be around 500%+
Let do the calculation to see the true of the brandish spear
200% of pierce = 905
So, 100% of this attack is 452.5
As a result, the Brandish spear can do the damge at the rate of equal to
= (2427 / 452.5) x 100 = 536.35%
Hope this would give you guy a clear idea about what the true power of the brandish spear can be.
Can you give me an advice on cards if I want to follow your build for MVPing (assume that I am damn rich)